Git remote add gitcrypt gcrypt:: :repo#next > gcrypt: Remote ID is :id:7VigUnLVYVtZx8oir34RĮxamples # notice that the target git repo must already exist and its Quickstart git remote add cryptremote gcrypt::rsync://:repo In their README.rst they put it as simple as If one wanted to encrypt the whole repository they forward to git-remote-gcrypt. I found git-crypt, but on the site it is mentioned that it's intended for single file encryption. Now, I am new to git, thus an instruction with all necessary steps or step by step would be much appreciated! 'Research' How to set up an encrypted repository on bitbucket(/github)? I am looking for different hassle-free ways on: Hi, I would like to save data with git, encrypted (on some platform like bitbucket or github).